

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Freeze Out Highlights

So i finished this last night but my computer wasn't cooperating well so i'm actually posting this like 10 minutes after i woke up... But annywwaayy here are the highlights to the Fall Freeze Out. But before i get to that i would like to congratulate the girls on a great weekend.

And i understand in the opening Madi and Allie aren't in it. I was planning on getting them on Sunday but it was too rainy and unhappy to do so. So next tournament i will be fixing that problem. Alright we i hope you enjoyed it!

1 comment:

  1. Love the video....Great Job (once Again) !
    I love your site, but remember your representing 13 & 14yr old girls. IMO Poor choice of lyrics for a girls softball team video. How does that represent our team and the program? Keep up the great creativity though.
